Poisoning is a fairly serious health condition and can be experienced by both children and adults. To overcome poisoning, you can take advantage of activated carbon to help deal with these conditions. Besides being able to overcome poisoning, the benefits of activated carbon are also widely used to help overcome wound healing, diarrhea, digestive disorders and flatulence. However, it still needs further research on this matter. Understand How Activated Carbon Works The benefits of activated carbon has long been considered as an antidote to poisons for a long time. Even today it is still often used as a medicine in emergency care for certain types of poisoning. However, activated carbon is not effective in overcoming poisoning of certain ingredients, such as high acid, alkaline or alkaline substances, iron, cleaning fluids, coal oil, kerosene and gasoline. Activated carbon has a role in trapping poisons and chemicals to prevent their absorption in the intestine. Because activate...